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UK No Plate
Table of

History of the UK Registration Plate

On this page we look at a brief history of the UK Registration Plate.
Nothing to do with the Anglia, but I thought it would be fun to look at.

UK Number Plate

I know that this has nothing to do with the Ford Anglia specifically, except for the fact that in the UK,
every car has to have a unique registration plate (commonly known as the number plate),
which, with a little decoding, also shows where a vehicle was initially registered.
(I will only cover the period of time that the Ford Anglia was available to buy brand new.)

Table of Registration

Shown below is a table of all of the registration marks from 1904 to 1974

Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
A Greater London -
AA Hampshire Hampshire
AB Worcestershire Worcestershire
AC Warwickshire Warwickshire
AD Gloucestershire Gloucestershire
AE Bristol Bristol
AF Cornwall Cornwall
AG Ayrshire Ayrshire
AH Norfolk Norfolk
AI Meath Meath
AJ Yorkshire North Riding Yorkshire North Riding
AK Bradford Bradford
AL Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire
AM Wiltshire Wiltshire
AN West Ham Greater London
AO Cumberland Cumberland
AP East Sussex East Sussex
AR Hertfordshire Hertfordshire
AS Nairnshire Nairnshire
AT Kingston-upon-Hull Kingston-upon-Hull
AU Nottingham Nottingham
AV Aberdeenshire Aberdeenshire
AW Shropshire Shropshire
AX Monmouthshire Monmouthshire
AY Leicestershire Leicestershire
AZ Belfast County Borough Belfast
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
B Lancashire -
BA Salford Salford
BB Newcastle-upon-Tyne Newcastle-upon-Tyne
BC Leicester Leicester
BD Northamptonshire Northamptonshire
BE Lindsey (Lincs.) Lindsey (Lincs.)
BF Dorsetshire (before 1904) Staffordshire
BG Birkenhead Birkenhead
BH Buckinghamshire Buckinghamshire
BI Monaghan Monaghan
BJ East Suffolk East Suffolk
BK Portsmouth Portsmouth
BL Berkshire Berkshire
BM Bedfordshire Bedfordshire
BN Bolton Bolton
BO Cardiff Cardiff
BP West Sussex West Sussex
BR Sunderland Sunderland
BS Orkney Orkney
BT Yorkshire East Riding Yorkshire East Riding
BU Oldham Oldham
BV Blackburn Blackburn
BW Oxfordshire Oxfordshire
BX Carmarthenshire Carmarthenshire
BY Croydon Greater London
BZ Down Downpatrick
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
C Yorkshire West Riding -
CA Denbighshire Denbighshire
CB Blackburn Blackburn
CC Caernarvonshire Caernarvonshire
CD Brighton Brighton
CE Cambridgeshire Cambridge/Isle of Ely
CF West Suffolk West Suffolk
CG Hampshire Hampshire
CH Derby Derby
CI Queens County (before 1922)
CJ Herefordshire Herefordshire
CK Preston Preston
CL Norwich Norwich
CM Birkenhead Birkenhead
CN Gateshead Gateshead
CO Plymouth Plymouth
CP Halifax Halifax
CR Southampton Southampton
CS Ayrshire Ayrshire
CT Kesteven (Lincs.) Kesteven (Lincs.)
CU South Shields South Shields
CV Cornwall Cornwall
CW Burnley Burnley
CX Huddersfield Huddersfield
CY Swansea Swansea
CZ Belfast County Borough Belfast
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
D Kent -
DA Wolverhampton Wolverhampton
DB Stockport Stockport
DC Middlesbrough Teesside
DD Gloucestershire Gloucestershire
DE Pembrokeshire Pembrokeshire
DF Northampton (before 1904)
Gloucestershire (since 1926)
DG Gloucestershire Gloucestershire
DH Walsall Walsall
DI Roscommon Roscommon
DJ St. Helens St. Helens
DK Rochdale Rochdale
DL Isle of Wight Isle of Wight
DM Flintshire Flintshire
DN York York
DO Holland (Lincs.) Holland (Lincs.)
DP Reading Reading
DR Devonport (before 1915)
DS Peeblesshire Peeblesshire
DT Doncaster (since 1927) Doncaster
DU Coventry Coventry
DV Devonshire Devonshire
DW Newport (Mon.) Newport (Mon.)
DX Ipswich Ipswich
DY Hastings Hastings
DZ Antrim Ballymena
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
E Staffordshire -
EA West Bromwich West Bromwich
EB Isle of Ely Isle of Ely/Cambridgeshire
EC Westmorland Westmorland
ED Warrington Warrington
EE Grimsby Grimsby
EF West Hartlepool Hartlepool
EG Peterborough Peterborough/Huntingdon
EH Hanley (before 1910)
EI Sligo Sligo
EJ Cardiganshire Cardiganshire
EK Wigan Wigan
EL Bournemouth Bournemouth
EM Bootle Bootle
EN Bury Bury
EO Barrow-in-Furness Barrow-in-Furness
EP Montgomeryshire Montgomeryshire
ER Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire/Isle of Ely
ES Perthshire Perthshire
ET Rotherham Rotherham
EU Brecknockshire Breconshire
EV Essex Essex
EW Huntingdonshire Huntingdon/Peterborough
EX Great Yarmouth Great Yarmouth
EY Anglesey Anglesey
EZ Belfast County Borough Belfast
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
F Essex -
FA Burton-upon-Trent Burton-upon-Trent
FB Bath Bath
FC Oxford Oxford
FD Dudley Dudley
FE Lincoln Lincoln
FF Merionethshire Merionethshire
FG Fifeshire Fifeshire
FH Gloucester Gloucester
FI Tipperary North Riding Tipperary North Riding
FJ Exeter Exeter
FK Worcester Worcester
FL Peterborough Peterborough/Huntingdon
FM Chester Chester
FN Canterbury Canterbury
FO Radnorshire Radnorshire
FP Rutland Rutland
FR Blackpool (since 1904) Blackpool
FS Edinburgh Edinburgh
FT Tynemouth (since 1904) Tynemouth
FU Lindsey (Lincs.) Lindsey (Lincs.)
FV Blackpool (since 1904) Blackpool
FW Lindsey (Lincs.) Lindsey (Lincs.)
FX Dorsetshire Dorsetshire
FY Southport Southport
FZ Belfast County Borough Belfast
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
G Glasgow -
GA Glasgow Glasgow
GB Glasgow Glasgow
GC Greater London Greater London
GD Glasgow Glasgow
GE Glasgow Glasgow
GF Greater London Greater London
GG Glasgow Glasgow
GH Greater London Greater London
GI - -
GJ Greater London Greater London
GK Greater London Greater London
GL Bath Bath
GM Motherwell
Motherwell/Wishaw (since 1921)
GN Greater London Greater London
GO Greater London Greater London
GP Greater London Greater London
GR Sunderland Sunderland
GS Perthshire Perthshire
GT Greater London Greater London
GU Greater London Greater London
GV West Suffolk West Suffolk
GW Greater London Greater London
GX Greater London Greater London
GY Greater London Greater London
GZ Belfast County Borough Belfast
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
H Middlesex -
HA Smethwick (since 1907) Warley
HB Merthyr Tydfil (since 1908) Merthyr Tydfil
HC Eastbourne (since 1911) Eastbourne
HD Dewsbury (since 1913) Dewsbury
HE Barnsley (since 1913) Barnsley
HF Wallasey (since 1913) Wallasey
HG Burnley Burnley
HH Carlisle (since 1914) Carlisle
HI Tipperary South Riding Tipperary South Riding
HJ Southend-on-Sea (since 1914) Southend-on-Sea
HK Essex Essex
HL Wakefield (since 1915) Wakefield
HM East Ham (since 1915) Greater London
HN Darlington (since 1915) Darlington
HO Hampshire Hampshire
HP Coventry Coventry
HR Wiltshire Wiltshire
HS Renfrewshire Renfrewshire
HT Bristol Bristol
HU Bristol Bristol
HV East Ham (since 1915) Greater London
HW Bristol Bristol
HX Middlesex Greater London
HY Bristol Bristol
HZ Tyrone Omagh
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
I - -
IA Antrim Ballymena
IB Armagh Armagh
IC Carlow Carlow
ID Cavan Cavan
IE Clare Clare
IF Cork Cork
IG - -
IH Donegal Donegal
II - -
IJ Down Downpatrick
IK Dublin Dublin
IL Fermanagh Enniskillen
IM Galway Galway
IN Kerry Kerry
IO Kildare Kildare
IP Kilkenny Kilkenny
IR Kings County (before 1922)
IS - -
IT Leitrim Leitrim
IU Limerick Limerick
IV - -
IW Londonderry Coleraine
IX Longford Longford
IY Louth Louth
IZ Mayo Mayo
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
J County Durham -
JA Stockport Stockport
JB Berkshire Berkshire
JC Caernarvonshire Caernarvonshire
JD West Ham Greater London
JE Isle of Ely Isle of Ely/Cambridgeshire
JF Leicester Leicester
JG Canterbury Canterbury
JH Hertfordshire Hertfordshire
JI Tyrone Tyrone
JJ Greater London Greater London
JK Eastbourne (since 1911) Eastbourne
JL Holland (Lincs.) Holland (Lincs.)
JM Westmorland Westmorland
JN Southend-on-Sea (since 1914) Southend-on-Sea
JO Oxford Oxford
JP Wigan Wigan
JR Northumberland Northumberland
JS Ross & Cromarty Ross & Cromarty
JT Dorsetshire Dorsetshire
JU Leicestershire Leicestershire
JV Grimsby Grimsby
JW Wolverhampton Wolverhampton
JX Halifax Halifax
JY Plymouth Plymouth
JZ Down Downpatrick
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
K Liverpool -
KA Liverpool Liverpool
KB Liverpool Liverpool
KC Liverpool Liverpool
KD Liverpool Liverpool
KE Kent Kent
KF Liverpool Liverpool
KG Cardiff Cardiff
KH Kingston-upon-Hull Kingston-upon-Hull
KI Waterford Waterford
KJ Kent Kent
KK Kent Kent
KL Kent Kent
KM Kent Kent
KN Kent Kent
KO Kent Kent
KP Kent Kent
KR Kent Kent
KS Roxburghshire Roxburghshire
KT Kent Kent
KU Bradford Bradford
KV Coventry Coventry
KW Bradford Bradford
KX Buckinghamshire Buckinghamshire
KY Bradford Bradford
KZ Antrim Ballymena
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
L Glamorganshire -
LA Greater London Greater London
LB Greater London Greater London
LC Greater London Greater London
LD Greater London Greater London
LE Greater London Greater London
LF Greater London Greater London
LG Cheshire Cheshire
LH Greater London Greater London
LI Westmeath Westmeath
LJ Bournemouth Bournemouth
LK Greater London Greater London
LL Greater London Greater London
LM Greater London Greater London
LN Greater London Greater London
LO Greater London Greater London
LP Greater London Greater London
LR Greater London Greater London
LS Selkirkshire Selkirkshire
LT Greater London Greater London
LU Greater London Greater London
LV Liverpool Liverpool
LW Greater London Greater London
LX Greater London Greater London
LY Greater London Greater London
LZ Armagh Armagh
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
M Cheshire -
MA Cheshire Cheshire
MB Cheshire Cheshire
MC Middlesex Greater London
MD Middlesex Greater London
ME Middlesex Greater London
MF Middlesex Greater London
MG Middlesex Greater London
MH Middlesex Greater London
MI Wexford Wexford
MJ Bedfordshire Bedfordshire
MK Middlesex Greater London
ML Middlesex Greater London
MM Middlesex Greater London
MN Isle of Man Isle of Man
MO Berkshire Berkshire
MP Middlesex Greater London
MR Wiltshire Wiltshire
MS Stirlingshire Stirlingshire
MT Middlesex Greater London
MU Middlesex Greater London
MV Middlesex Greater London
MW Wiltshire Wiltshire
MX Middlesex Greater London
MY Middlesex Greater London
MZ Belfast County Borough Belfast
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
N Manchester -
NA Manchester Manchester
NB Manchester Manchester
NC Manchester Manchester
ND Manchester Manchester
NE Manchester Manchester
NF Manchester Manchester
NG Norfolk Norfolk
NH Northampton Northampton
NI Wicklow Wicklow
NJ East Sussex East Sussex
NK Hertfordshire Hertfordshire
NL Northumberland Northumberland
NM Bedfordshire Bedfordshire
NN Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire
NO Essex Essex
NP Worcestershire Worcestershire
NR Leicestershire Leicestershire
NS Sutherlandshire Sutherlandshire
NT Shropshire Shropshire
NU Derbyshire Derbyshire
NV Northamptonshire Northamptonshire
NW Leeds Leeds
NX Warwickshire Warwickshire
NY Glamorganshire Glamorganshire
NZ Londonderry Londonderry
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
O Birmingham -
OA Birmingham Birmingham
OB Birmingham Birmingham
OC Birmingham Birmingham
OD Devonshire Devonshire
OE Birmingham Birmingham
OF Birmingham Birmingham
OG Birmingham Birmingham
OH Birmingham Birmingham
OI Belfast Belfast
OJ Birmingham Birmingham
OK Birmingham Birmingham
OL Birmingham Birmingham
OM Birmingham Birmingham
ON Birmingham Birmingham
OO Essex
OP Birmingham Birmingham
OR Hampshire Hampshire
OS Wigtownshire Wigtownshire
OT Hampshire Hampshire
OU Hampshire Hampshire
OV Birmingham Birmingham
OW Southampton Southampton
OX Birmingham Birmingham
OY Croydon Greater London
OZ Belfast Belfast
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
P Surrey -
PA Surrey Surrey
PB Surrey Surrey
PC Surrey Surrey
PD Surrey Surrey
PE Surrey Surrey
PF Surrey Surrey
PG Surrey Surrey
PH Surrey Surrey
PI Cork County Borough Cork County Borough
PJ Surrey Surrey
PK Surrey Surrey
PL Surrey Surrey
PM East Sussex East Sussex
PN East Sussex East Sussex
PO West Sussex West Sussex
PP Buckinghamshire Buckinghamshire
PR Dorsetshire Dorsetshire
PS Shetland Shetland
PT County Durham County Durham
PU Essex Essex
PV Ipswich Ipswich
PW Norfolk Norfolk
PX West Sussex West Sussex
PY Yorkshire North Riding Yorkshire North Riding
PZ Belfast County Borough Belfast
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
R Derbyshire -
RA Derbyshire Derbyshire
RB Derbyshire Derbyshire
RC Derby Derby
RD Reading Reading
RE Staffordshire Staffordshire
RF Staffordshire Staffordshire
RG Aberdeen Aberdeen
RH Kingston-upon-Hull Kingston-upon-Hull
RI Dublin Dublin
RJ Salford Salford
RK Croydon Greater London
RL Cornwall Cornwall
RM Cumberland Cumberland
RN Preston Preston
RO Hertfordshire Hertfordshire
RP Northamptonshire Northamptonshire
RR Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire
RS Aberdeen Aberdeen
RT East Suffolk East Suffolk
RU Bournemouth Bournemouth
RV Portsmouth Portsmouth
RW Coventry Coventry
RX Berkshire Berkshire
RY Leicester Leicester
RZ Antrim Ballymena
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
S Edinburgh -
SA Aberdeenshire Aberdeenshire
SB Argyllshire Argyllshire
SC Edinburgh Edinburgh
SD Ayrshire Ayrshire
SE Banffshire Banffshire
SF Edinburgh Edinburgh
SG Edinburgh Edinburgh
SH Berwickshire Berwickshire
SI - -
SJ Buteshire Buteshire
SK Caithness-shire Caithness-shire
SL Clackmannanshire Clackmannanshire
SM Dumfriesshire Dumfriesshire
SN Dunbartonshire Dunbartonshire
SO Elginshire (before 1919)
SP Fifeshire Fifeshire
SR Forfarshire (before 1928)
SS Haddingtonshire (before 1921)
East Lothian
East Lothian
ST Inverness-shire Inverness-shire
SU Kincardineshire Kincardineshire
SV Kinross-shire Kinross-shire
SW Kirkcudbrightshire Kirkcudbrightshire
SX Linlithgowshire (before 1921)
West Lothian
West Lothian
SY Midlothian Midlothian
SZ Down Downpatrick
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
T Devonshire -
TA Devonshire Devonshire
TB Lancashire Lancashire
TC Lancashire Lancashire
TD Lancashire Lancashire
TE Lancashire Lancashire
TF Lancashire Lancashire
TG Glamorganshire Glamorganshire
TH Carmarthenshire Carmarthenshire
TI Limerick County Borough Limerick County Borough
TJ Lancashire Lancashire
TK Dorsetshire Dorsetshire
TL Kesteven (Lincs.) Kesteven (Lincs.)
TM Bedfordshire Bedfordshire
TN Newcastle-upon-Tyne Newcastle-upon-Tyne
TO Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire
TP Portsmouth Portsmouth
TR Southampton Southampton
TS Dundee Dundee
TT Devonshire Devonshire
TU Cheshire Cheshire
TV Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire
TW Essex Essex
TX Glamorganshire Glamorganshire
TY Northumberland Northumberland
TZ Belfast County Borough Belfast
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
U Leeds -
UA Leeds Leeds
UB Leeds Leeds
UC Greater London Greater London
UD Oxfordshire Oxfordshire
UE Warwickshire Warwickshire
UF Brighton Brighton
UG Leeds Leeds
UH Cardiff Cardiff
UI Londonderry County Borough Londonderry
UJ Shropshire Shropshire
UK Wolverhampton Wolverhampton
UL Greater London Greater London
UM Leeds Leeds
UN Denbighshire Denbighshire
UO Devonshire Devonshire
UP County Durham County Durham
UR Hertfordshire Hertfordshire
US Govan (before 1912)
UT Leicestershire Leicestershire
UU Greater London Greater London
UV Greater London Greater London
UW Greater London Greater London
UX Shropshire Shropshire
UY Worcestershire Worcestershire
UZ Belfast County Borough Belfast
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
V Lanarkshire -
VA Lanarkshire Lanarkshire
VB Croydon Greater London
VC Coventry Coventry
VD Lanarkshire Lanarkshire
VE Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire/Isle of Ely
VF Norfolk Norfolk
VG Norwich Norwich
VH Huddersfield Huddersfield
VI - -
VJ Herefordshire Herefordshire
VK Newcastle-upon-Tyne Newcastle-upon-Tyne
VL Lincoln Lincoln
VM Manchester Manchester
VN Yorkshire North Riding Yorkshire North Riding
VO Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire
VP Birmingham Birmingham
VR Manchester Manchester
VS Greenock Greenock
VT Stoke-on-Trent Stoke-on-Trent
VU Manchester Manchester
VV Northamptonshire Northamptonshire
VW Essex Essex
VX Essex Essex
VY York York
VZ Tyrone Omagh
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
W Sheffield -
WA Sheffield Sheffield
WB Sheffield Sheffield
WC - Essex
WD Warwickshire Warwickshire
WE Sheffield Sheffield
WF Yorkshire East Riding Yorkshire East Riding
WG Stirlingshire Stirlingshire
WH Bolton Bolton
WI Waterford County Borough Waterford County Borough
WJ Sheffield Sheffield
WK Coventry Coventry
WL Oxford Oxford
WM Southport (since 1905) Southport
WN Swansea Swansea
WO Monmouthshire Monmouthshire
WP Worcestershire Worcestershire
WR Yorkshire West Riding Yorkshire West Riding
WS Leith (before 1920)
WT Yorkshire West Riding Yorkshire West Riding
WU Yorkshire West Riding Yorkshire West Riding
WV Wiltshire Wiltshire
WW Yorkshire North Riding Yorkshire North Riding
WX Yorkshire North Riding Yorkshire North Riding
WY Yorkshire North Riding Yorkshire North Riding
WZ Belfast County Borough Belfast
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
X Northumberland -
XA London County (before 1963) Kirkcaldy (since 1963)
XB London County (before 1963) Coatbridge (since 1964)
XC London County (before 1963) Solihull (since 1964)
XD London County (before 1963) Luton (since 1964)
XE London County (before 1963) Luton (since 1964)
XF London County (before 1963) Torbay (since 1968)
XG Middlesbrough (before 1968) Teesside (since 1968)
XH London County (before 1963) -
XI Belfast County Borough Belfast
XJ Manchester Manchester
XK London County (before 1963) -
XL London County (before 1963) -
XM London County (before 1963) -
XN London County (before 1963) -
XO London County (before 1963) -
XP London County (before 1963) -
XR London County (before 1963) -
XS Paisley Paisley
XT London County (before 1963) -
XU London County (before 1963) -
XV London County (before 1963) -
XW London County (before 1963) -
XX London County (before 1963) -
XY London County (before 1963) -
XZ Armagh Armagh
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
Y Somersetshire -
YA Somersetshire Somersetshire
YB Somersetshire Somersetshire
YC Somersetshire Somersetshire
YD Somersetshire Somersetshire
YE Greater London Greater London
YF Greater London Greater London
YG Yorkshire West Riding Yorkshire West Riding
YH Greater London Greater London
YI Dublin Dublin
YJ Dundee Dundee
YK Greater London Greater London
YL Greater London Greater London
YM Greater London Greater London
YN Greater London Greater London
YO Greater London Greater London
YP Greater London Greater London
YR Greater London Greater London
YS Partick (before 1912)
YT Greater London Greater London
YU Greater London Greater London
YV Greater London Greater London
YW Greater London Greater London
YX Greater London Greater London
YY Greater London Greater London
YZ Londonderry Coleraine
Letter 1904-1964 1965-1974
Z Dublin -
ZA Dublin Dublin
ZB Cork County Borough Cork County Borough
ZC Dublin Dublin
ZD Dublin Dublin
ZE Dublin Dublin
ZF Cork County Borough Cork County Borough
ZG - -
ZH Dublin Dublin
ZI Dublin Dublin
ZJ Dublin Dublin
ZK Cork Cork
ZL Dublin Dublin
ZM Galway Galway
ZN Meath Meath
ZO Dublin Dublin
ZP Donegal Donegal
ZR Wexford Wexford
ZS - -
ZT Cork Cork
ZU Dublin Dublin
ZV - -
ZW Kildare Kildare
ZX Kerry Kerry
ZY - -
ZZ - -

If you would like to know more about registration marks and the codes from 1974 to the present,
then visit
